If you haven’t already created an employee awards and recognition program, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to grow your business!
Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love being recognized for hard work?
While many aspects of our culture have shifted, the desire to have tangible proof of our achievements will never change. It’s a part of human nature; it’s a force that has the power to motivate like no other.
That need to succeed and be acknowledged for success isn’t just limited to professional athletes that win trophies at games. It exists in every one of your employees.

Is your business harnessing this power to motivate your human resources? After nearly 40 years in the recognition industry, we have seen countless companies expand with the help of employee awards programs. Therefore, we take great pride knowing our work brings joy to the award recipients. While also improving our clients’ bottom line.
Still need more proof? Here are additional ways an employee awards program can make your business boom!
Employee Awards Motivate Your Staff to Work Harder
Ask yourself a simple question. Would you produce the same quality of work if you knew that no one was watching? Or worse yet, would you try as hard if your supervisor knew you consistently went “above and beyond”, but never showed appreciation for your efforts?
With rare exceptions, most of us would probably do the “bare minimum” if we knew our efforts were not going to be acknowledged. So, if you haven’t created a program to reward your employee’s achievements, you’re not maximizing your workforce’s full potential! You are missing opportunities to show appreciation for outstanding dedication and motivate other employees to excel as well.
Awards Encourage Loyalty in Your Workforce
Many of our clients create corporate awards programs to recognize employees’ company anniversaries. Why would this be beneficial? Do you like getting birthday presents from friends/loved ones? What about anniversary presents from your significant other? Of course, you do!
Why? Because those gifts symbolize your relationship and show appreciation for the time you’ve shared together. So, when your employee celebrates a milestone, acknowledging their loyalty demonstrates your appreciation. This type of recognition motivates employees to stick around longer.
Awards Encourage Outstanding Performers
Nowadays, it seems like every child in class gets a gold star for being their own “special snowflake” and every kid on the soccer team gets a trophy for participating, even if they don’t make contact with the ball all season. Our culture has become conditioned to appreciate everyone’s unique efforts, and all-in-all, that can be a good thing! (We call that job security!)
However, when we are being honest, we know that in every class, on every team, and in every company, there are star performers who rise above the rest. Whether it’s your employee of the quarter, salesman of the month, or account manager of the year, giving kudos to those who deserve it not only validates their hard work, but raises the bar for others as well.
Call Tustin Awards today to create an employee awards and recognition program today!
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